Thursday, October 2, 2008


For a long time now, I have been trying to find a good way to begin this blog. I haven't found one, but here goes.

I realize the title is a bit inflammatory but it was not meant to be. I feel we, as humans, are all afflicted by this virus. (Virus actually implies that we can cure ourselves from it, so I think that is a misnomer too. All we can do is minimize it's effect.)

So, what is this blog about? It is about my thoughts on the world as I see it. Nothing less, nothing more. It will primarily focus on economics and politics. My outlook is from a beginning libertarian, Austrian economics perspective. I am continually amazed at the clarity Austrian economics brings to economic issues.

The more I learn and think about the world the more interesting and perplexing it becomes. The more I learn the more conventional wisdom looks less like wisdom. The more I learn the less I know. That is why I need to write it all down, just like so many others. That is also why most of my posts will be in conversational form. I have more questions than answers. Hopefully, you will find something that interests you.

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